As an Omaha Roofing Company, we understand the importance of proper roof ventilation and the consequences if it’s designed incorrectly. Poor ventilation systems raise concerns (and unnoticed issues) in a building’s roof cavities or attic.
When it comes to proper roof ventilation, an important factor that will affect the lifespan of a roof are mildew or mold caused by excess moisture. It’s extremely important to be knowledgeable and concerned about how moisture and heat can get trapped in roof cavities or attic spaces, damaging sub-roofing as well as shingles. For example, a cathedral type ceiling without sufficient passage in the underside sheathing and soffit will eventually develop insect damage, rot, major condensation and at times, severe structural damage. For these types of ceilings, it’s important to design sufficient air passage through the roof cavities and attic space. When soffit air passages are restricted by insulation, this can be remedied by inserting soffit vent baffles at the eaves. The baffles should be installed between rafters where a soffit vent is present.

Alternatives to Configurations

A ridge line outlet and a soffit intake should be added to facilitate an air passageway up to the decking. The entire structure should be properly ventilated to prevent problems from occurring.

In areas of varying wind direction, installing just soffit intakes will yield reduced effectiveness. A continuous ridge air passage is the best approach in this case. As well, having only gable vent passageways or ridge-opening passageways won’t achieve the desired system performance and will likely result in higher energy bills. It’s far better to have continuous balanced airflow with ridge outlets and soffit intakes. You can achieve the expected level of airflow performance by closing off the gable end vents after installation.
Another way to increase airflow on difficult ventilation systems is via the use of a roof turbine. Just be aware that a sufficient source of outdoor air should be available in order to achieve the desired air movement.

Consequences of improper intake and exhaust systems in roof ventilation

We’ve detailed a number of items in previous articles about proper attic ventilation, but there’s a few key items that really hit home. Below are a few items that our customers really latch on to when we’re talking to them about their projects. Keep these in the back of your mind as you move forward with your project;

Increased energy costs

An attic that lacks proper exhaust and intake systems will suffer from increased cooling and heating costs. You can significantly reduce energy bills by placing good insulation between the rafters and by allowing good air flow, which effectively converts those spaces to a conditioned space.

Expensive structural damage

If you use water resistant foam products for insulation, mold infestations can result via hidden leaks from the outside into the attic or roof cavity, and this can result costly damage.

Damage from moisture

If moisture is trapped in a roof or attic lacking proper ventilation, rot and mold problems are more likely to occur. Unwanted moisture can be eliminated by providing sufficient air flow to the space.

Learning as much as possible about roofing specifications, as well as some of the challenges and issues of roof ventilation can help you design the best roof ventilation system for your residence. Of course, it’s best to seek the consultation of an Omaha roofing contractor to get professional assistance.

Our Recommendation

Read our recent blogs for additional information and to understand why proper roof ventilation is important. Call Husker Hammer Siding Windows & Roofing (An Omaha Roofing Company) now for a free Omaha Roof System Assessment which includes an assessment of your roof’s ventilation: (402) 894-9525.