If you are in the market for new home siding there are a couple of decisions to be made. First, you’ll need to address what type of materials to use and what type of insulating materials that you’ll want your siding contractors to use. Then you will need to find out what color or style you would prefer for your home.

At Husker Siding, Windows and Roofing, we recommend performing some elementary research in regards to what materials are available as this will help you narrow your search to the best type for your home. During research you will quickly learn why it’s critically important to hire a professional (qualified contractor) to complete this project for you.

How Insulation Can Help Reduce Thermal Bridging!

The end goal is to eliminate what’s known in the industry as thermal bridging, which can and does lower your home’s energy efficiency. Insulation helps to reduce thermal bridging. When heat bridges or bypasses the pink insulation material via studs or other framing materials, the result is that a huge percentage of your home’s energy is permitted to escape. To properly insulate your home, you need to fill the gaps between the exterior surface and interior walls. This ensures that warm air is retained inside during the dead of winter and cool air is retained on blazing hot summer days.

Why Contract a Siding Professional?

All too often, homeowners are tempted to tackle home siding and insulation themselves, but this rarely turns out as expected, and an incorrect installation can void the warranty. To be safe, an experienced professional should do this type of installation.

Don’t live with skyrocketing energy bills! Protect your home by making the right choices, and be sure to hire a qualified contractor like Husker Siding, Windows and Roofing, to successfully complete your siding and insulation project. If you have questions about the various siding materials available today, feel free to give us a call at (402) 894-9525 or stop into our showroom to see how these products perform.